Alpha 3.17.2 is now out

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 Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2 is now live

Released on July 28, 2022 here is what the Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2 patch is bringing to the game.

The Siege of Orison:

The Stanton System is invaded by Pirates. The Nine Tails are here and they have take parts of many places of the beautiful and usually calm city of Orison. 

Star Citizen: The Siege of Orison

The gang that came from the Pyro system is heavily armed and they made sure that the places that they have taken over are no-fly zones. The only way to get there is with the new shuttles that are made available to reach the besieged platforms. Gear up for this dynamic event and head down there to push them back.

Increasing the Player Capacity:

The player capacity per server was at 50 players. Now you will be joining servers with more or less 100 players. CIG wants to test out new player caps. So far the game is stable with this new player cap.

Star Citizen Increased Player Capacity

This means that we will be able to join in the verse with bigger crews that we ever could before. It will be ideal to complete missions and will be the time to take on huge battles.

New Derelict Reclaimers on Planets and in Space:

Derelict Aegis Reclaimers are now available to go check out on microTech. These new locations could be abandoned or players could encounter resistance while visiting these new points of interest.

Derelict Aegis Reclaimer on microTech

These new derelict points of interest are new places where players will be able to solve puzzles, do missions or engage in FPS combat. They are the start of regular add-ons to planets and can also be found in deep-space.

Derelict Aegis Reclaimer found in deep-space

The Anvil Centurion is added to the game:

With its quad-laser turret the Anvil Centurion can make a no-fly zone over any area that players are challenging.

Anvil Centurion no-fly zone

The Centurion shares the same Atlas Chassis that the Ballista and the Spartan have. It is made to stop airborne attackers and protect air-space. It is also heavily armored and has a turret for the pilot.

Improved AI:

The NPCs in the game are getting an upgrade to their AI. Players will be able to interact with non-player characters in new ways like they never could before. The NPCs will be able to fight back better and call for backup when needed.

Improved Star Citizen NPC AI

Star Citizen AI calling for backup

These improvements to the AI can be first seen around the new derelict reclaimers. Players can head down there to experience these new NPC interactions.

New Derelict Colonial Outposts:

A nice addition that can be found around the Stanton System are the new derelict colonial outposts. These new points of interest will attract curious players looking for a new challenge, combat opportunities or puzzles to solve.

Star Citizen Derelict Colonial Outpost

New cargo missions will also be available with these new derelict outposts as their destination. 

New Illegal Delivery Missions are Available:

Delivering Illegal goods in Stanton has always been a favorite for criminals in the system. These new illegal delivery missions will allow players with CrimeStats to defy the authorities and go on with making a not so honest living by delivering shady goods.

Star Citizen illegal delivery mission

The new missions will be available in many place around the Stanton System and could take players to the new locations mentioned above.

Improved Combat Beacons Assistance:

New levels of difficulties and more variety of Combat Beacons are now available. NPC that are under attack will be hailing players for assistance. These Combat Beacons can be lucrative to go and complete.

Star Citizen Combat Beacon

Players will encounter ships of different sizes that will each bring in a new level of difficulty. It might be a good idea to tackle these combat beacons with a crew.

That's it for the news update about the release of Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2

It has never been a better time to join Star Citizen. With more and more players joining the verse, the game bigger and is getting more features at every new patched. For those of you who are about to join Star Citizen, don't forget to use the Referral Code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 when enlisting. It will give you a 5,000 credits bonus. This link can also be used to enlist, the referral code will be in there:

See you all in the Verse!