This guide is made to help new players who have decided to buy Star Citizen. It covers deciding on a game package.
Star Citizen: Getting Started
Star Citizen and Squadron 42
- Star Citizen the Persistent Universe is the immersive open world MMO game that is currently playable while being developed.
- Squadron 42 is the single player campaign game that is not currently playable.
Create a Star Citizen account
To buy a Game Package, you first need to have an account that you create on the Robert Space Industries website. Use the referral code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 when you create your account to get a referral bonus. You can use this link to directly go to the account creation page: (The referral code will be added automatically)
Game Package
To gain access the Star Citizen Persistent Universe you have to buy a Game Package. All game packages come with at least 1 ship. Other ships and items can be bought separately from the store or in game. Go to the Pledge Store and look for Game Packages. Star with a $45 game package, you don't need to spend more to fully enjoy the game. Almost every other ship can be bought in-game with credits you earn while playing. You can upgrade the ship that comes with your game package with real money later if you want to.
Ship Insurance
Star Citizen ships come with a certain duration insurance that comes in effect when the game will be release. Currently you can always reclaim your lost ships at a station terminal. It is said that ships bought will real money will have a method to recover them even when their insurance is over. Additional insurance will be available in game and can be bought with in-game credits.
Choosing a Game Package
What Game Package to pick
A game package is required to play the game. It comes with the game itself, a ship to fly, a few starting credits, a personal hangar, and insurance for the ship. The ship you want to start with is the most important element of your game package. The credits amount is usually 1,000 UEC, and when you use the referral code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 you get an additional 5,000 UEC. The hangar is determined by the size of the ship, and the ship insurance is usually for 3 to 6 months.
Basic Starter Packages at $45
There are two basic packages, the Mustang Alpha and the Aurora MR. Both of these ships can do cargo, combat, and delivery missions. One of these ships is all you would need to get started in the verse and earn credits.
Star Citizen and Squadron 42 Combo Packages
The basic packages also have a combo package version that costs a little bit more and includes the single player Squadron 42, if you want both games. You save by buying them together.
Other Starter Packs
The most highly recommended starter ships are the Avenger Titan and the Cutlass Black, which are also available in game packages if your budget allows. If you can these picking one of these two is a great way to get a head start in Star Citizen.
Star Citizen Basic Packages
Aurora MR
The Aurora MR is a basic light multipurpose ship with a small interior and a bed for resting and logging out of the game. When you log back in you will be in your ship. You can place boxes in it for delivery missions and it also has 3 SCU Units of Cargo. The Aurora MR has foud size 1 gun slots, with two of the equipped with laser repeaters by default and the other two empty and ready to be used. Overall it's a decent little ships to start with.
Mustang Alpha
The Mustang Alpha is a multipurpose fighter ship, with only a cockpit and no interior living space, only 1 person can fit inside the Mustang. It does have cargo space that allows you to place packages for delivery missions or can carry 4 SCU of cargo. The Mustang has two size 1 gun slots that are empty and has a nose turret with two size 2 gun slots equipped with laser cannons. Overall the Mustang Alpha is a decent starter ship with a focus on combat.
Both the Aurora MR and Mustang Alpha are similarly capable of performing missions and earning you credits. The Aurora has an interior that allows you to bring along a friend or store delivery packages, and it has a bed for logging out. The Mustang will deal more damage and can be preferred for new players who would like to focus on their combat skills in the beginning.
What about other ships?
Unless you have a bigger budget and want to start with a bigger ship the two starter packs above will be the best starting point to enjoy the verse. You can always purchase bigger ships in game with what you earn while playing. But if you do want to start with another option, here are the best choices.
The Avenger Titan is a great multirole starter ship, it has a bigger interior, it is good at combat and has more cargo.
The Cutlass Black it the multirole Jack of all Trades ship with a larger cargo capacity. It can carry a vehicle and has seats for 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 gunner in the turret and 6 passengers.
The C8X Pisces is the smallest of them all but very versatile, it can carry 1 pilot and 2 passengers and has good space for cargo. It can fit practically anywhere.
The Arrow is a fast and highly maneuverable dedicated light fighter. This is a combat ship only.
The F7C Hornet is a common and capable medium fighter staple of the navy. This if for combat only.
The 100i is a luxury touring ship with a small interior, on special sales this one could become the best option in front of the Aurora Mr.
The Nomad is a light freight camper with a fully functional interior and an open air cargo bed.
These would be the best recommendation to help you decide on the best Starter Pack for you to start your Star Citizen adventure.
See you in the Verse!