Star Citizen New Player Controls Guide

Star Citizen Referral Code
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If you are about to get into Star Citizen you will want to know the basic controls of your character and your ship. 

The first thing you will have to do when you log in the Star Citizen universe is stand up from the bed you are laying on. To do so you press Y.

Now let's get into what your most used keys will be:

On Foot:

  • F is to interact with the environment like opening a door or calling an elevator. When you hold F an interaction wheel will appear where you can select multiple action options.
  • F1 is to bring up your MobiGlass interface.
  • F2 is to bring up the system map. You will be able to trace a route when you open the map at the helm of your ship.
  • Pressing I will bring up your local inventory. Having armor and a backpack add personal inventory that you can access anywhere.
  • WASD is to walk around. And SHIFT is to sprint. Although it is recommended not to sprint all the time and instead it is best to adjust your walking speed with the mouse wheel.

Basic Flight Controls:
  • R / U to Power Up/Down your ship's systems
  • WASD for forward, back, strafe left and right.
  • Spacebar / CTRL to Strafe Up / Down
  • Q and E to roll
  • Mouse to aim and steer
  • Left or Right mouse buttons to fire weapons
  • N for the landing gear
  • C for the cruise control
  • Mouse wheel to increase and decrease the ships speed limit
  • SHIFT for boost
  • X for the booster brakes
  • T to select a target.
  • ALT+T to deselect the target

Quantum Travelling:

Aim at the planet, station or point of interest you want to travel to and press B one time to spool up your Quantum Drive. Once the spooling and calibration are complete Hold B to engage the Quantum Jump. To stop the Quantum Jump, Hold B again while Quantum travelling. This is useful if you want to stop at a certain distance from your destination.

If you are seated in your ship's pilot seat or anywhere else holding Y will make you stand up.

These are the basic controls you need to start getting around in the Star Citizen Universe. And if you are just about to get into the verse, create your Star Citizen account with the referral code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 to get an additional 5,000 UEC starting credits. 

See you in the Verse!

Planet Crusader sunset viewed from Port Olisar